What Should Be Cleaned Before You Move Into A New Place?


If you are about to move to a new home, you already have many tasks to undertake. You’ll have to spend a lot of time unpacking, organizing, and shopping. Cleaning needn’t be one of those chores. Hire a reputable company offering cleaning services near Chandler and you can have the peace of mind of moving into a spotless new place. You should also think about the home you are leaving. If you are selling your home, a beautifully clean place will be a lot more attractive to potential buyers. If you are a tenant, cleaning thoroughly before you leave will greatly increase your chances of recovering your deposit. If you are moving out, you should talk to your landlord or management company about their expectations as to cleanliness. Meanwhile, here are a few guidelines for what to clean when moving into a new place.

The Bathroom tired group with cleaning supplies
Clean all bathroom surfaces thoroughly. Use a solution of bleach and tea tree oil to clean and disinfect the toilet, vanity, cabinet, shower, bath, sink, and all other bathroom fittings and appliances. Make sure you wash down the walls and clean the floor, using the appropriate product for your flooring. Remember to wear gloves to protect your hands.

The Kitchen 
The kitchen will need to be cleaned thoroughly. Scrub down the stove, clean inside the oven and refrigerator, and clean the vent hood. Remove any stains which may have been burned on.

Other Areas 
If you can access the property before moving day, it will be easier to clean the floors before the house is full of your furniture and belongings. If that’s not possible, once you have finished unpacking completely, consider cleaning your ledges, windows, and baseboards. Wash the windows with Windex or a vinegar solution and wipe them clean with a lint-free cloth or newspaper.

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